26 May 2023 (JY) Upgraded to MDAS Acquisition System. System: MDAS v1.0 Sensor: Bartington Mag03 Data Acquisition System: MDAS v1.0 Logging software: BECA v1.0 Operator: Bureau of Meteorology Station: Learmonth Station Code: LMD IUWDS Station Code: 81202 Sensor Orientation: HDZ Data type identifier: K Coordinates: -22.21925, 114.10322 Sampling Frequency: 5 Hz Initial tests were run between 2022-11-17 and 2023-02-20. The new system is currently offline for modification and additional testing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 Jun 2023 (JY) Updated IGRF and geomagnetic coordinates. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 02 Aug 2023 (JY) Data flow started. Data File Header ---------------- System: MDASv1.0 Sensor: Bartington Mag03 Data Acquisition System: MDASv1.0 Software: BECA_1.0 Source of Data: Bureau of Meteorolgy Station: Learmonth Station Code: LSO IUWDS Station Code: 81202 Coordinates: Lat -22.21925, Long 114.10322 GPS Fix: True Sensor Orientation: HDZ Number of Channel: 3 Voltage Offset: [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000] Scaling Factor: [7000.000000 nT/V, 7000.000000 nT/V, 7000.000000 nT/V] Descriptors: Date Time H_nT D_nt Z_nT Temp_degC Additional Information: Temp is measured at the data acquisition system. Sensor range +/- 70,000nT, 7000nT/Volt. Scaling factor and voltage offset have already been applied. Coordinates reference the GPS reciever of the acquisition unit not the sensor. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01 May 2024 (JY) The control unit for the Learmonth MDAS was upgraded on 30 Apr 2024 around 03:12 UT. There is a gap in the data as the GPS unit took overnight to achieve the 3D lock required for the PTP time service. Data resumed at 2024-04-30 22:25:22.20 UT.